United States Capitol
The United States Capitol, often called the Capitol Building, is the home of the United States Congress
December 18, 2019
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), flanked by six House Democratic leaders, including House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) and House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY), held a news conference following the impeachment vote against President Trump. During her beginning remarks, Speaker Pelosi said, "December 18th, a great day for the Constitution of the United States, a sad one for America."
December 18, 2019

December 18, 2019

December 18, 2019
The House impeached President Donald Trump for abuse of power (230-197) and obstruction of Congress (229-198), with Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) voting “present” on both articles of impeachment.

House Judiciary Committee
December 18, 2019
House Debate on Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump
The House impeached President Donald Trump for abuse of power (230-197) and obstruction of Congress (229-198), with Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) voting “present” on both articles of impeachment.
Day 2 House Judiciary Votes on Articles of Impeachment
December 12, 2019
The House Judiciary Committee debated two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The second day of the hearing included further debate on the resolution as well as debate on amendments offered by committee members. This is the first portion of the hearing, before the committee recessed for votes on the House floor.
Hearing on Evidence in Impeachment Inquiry
December 9, 2019
The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the evidence in the on-going impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
House Speaker Pelosi Statement on Impeachment Inquiry
December 5, 2019
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for the House to move forward with articles of impeachment against President Trump. In a statement, the speaker argued that the facts against the president are “uncontested” and said he had abused his power and put at risk national security.
Judiciary Hearing on Constitutional Framework for Impeachment
December 4, 2019
The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing with legal experts to discuss the constitutional framework for potentially drawing up articles of impeachment against President Trump.
House Intelligence Committee
November 21, 2019
Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, and David Holmes, an aide to the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, testified before the House Intelligence Committee as part of its impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
November 20, 2019 ... PM Session
Laura Cooper, a deputy assistant Defense secretary, and David Hale, a State Department under secretary for political affairs, testified before the House Intelligence Committee as part of its impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
November 20, 2019 ... AM Session
Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified before the House Intelligence Committee as part of the panel’s impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
November 19, 2019 ... PM Session
Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, and Tim Morrison, National Security Council director for Russia, publicly testify as part of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry.
November 19, 2019 ... AM Session
Several officials publicly testified as part of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
November 15, 2019
On the second day of open testimony in the impeachment inquiry, the House Intelligence Committee heard from former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.
November 13, 2019
The House Intelligence Committee held its first open hearing of the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Lawmakers heard testimony from William Taylor, Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
September 28, 2019
Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testifies before the House Intelligence Committee on the process & handling of a whistleblower complaint involving President Trump.
April 18, 2019
Robert Mueller
Special Counsel for the
United States Department of Justice
May 17, 2017 - May 29, 2019
Robert Mueller and his pursuit of justice
Published on Feb 23, 2018
In an exclusive interview with MSNBC anchor Ari Melber, Former Attorney General Eric Holder makes news by saying Trump Attorney General Bill Barr is handling the Mueller report in the "wrong" way, which is troubling and departs from clear precedent. Pressed by Melber, Holder adds that Congress must get the Mueller Report and decide any obstruction case against Pres. Trump - not his handpicked A.G. Holder adds that this is the begining or "middle" of the process, not the end.
Holder: Barr Wrong On Mueller, Obstruction Fight "Just 'beginning" | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Published on Mar 25, 2019
Attorney general Barr faces senate questions over Mueller report | Guardian News
Streamed live on May 1, 2019
Fight for redacted Mueller report material escalates | CBSN
Published on May 17, 2019
Robert Mueller's first statement about Russia Probe
Robert Mueller's first statement about Russia Probe
Robert Mueller's first public statement about Russia Probe ... May 29, 2019
House Judiciary Committee
July 12, 2019
The House Judiciary Committee held the third in a series of hearings to review the conclusions of Special Consel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. At the start, Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) gave an update on the committee’s current actions saying, “Articles of impeachment are under consideration as part of the committee’s investigation, although no final determination has been made.”
Mueller Hearings
Mueller Hearing Part 1
House Judiciary Committee Part 1 | Fox News
Published on Jul 24, 2019
Mueller Hearing Part 2
House Judiciary Committee Part 2 | Fox News
Published on Jul 24, 2019
Robert Mueller's testimony on Trump and Russia investigation
Watch: Robert Mueller's testimony on Trump and Russia investigation | Washington Post
Published on Jul 24, 2019
House Oversight and Reform Committee
Michael Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, testified before the House Oversight and Reform Committee about his experiences working for the president, before and after the 2016 presidential campaign. He offered his perspective on the way the Trump organization operated, and detailed specific actions he took and words he said at the direction of his former boss. He said he had broken the law and had lied many times, including in previous congressional testimony, at the direction of the president, and presented documents to the committee related to his testimony which he said proved he was telling the truth in this hearing.
FEBRUARY 27, 2019
Michael Cohen testifies Before Congress | NYT News
Published on Feb 27, 2019
See Footage Of Lawyer Cohen Being Walked into Prison | MSNBC | May 6, 2019
Published on May 6, 2019
Michael Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis: I think Manhattan DA’s hush money case is extremely strong
UPDATE: 2023